May 23, 2015

Enchanting ProTip!

Warlock is by far my favorite class. What ever game I played, first pick was always Warlock or Necromancer or basically anything that reassemble that class (if those 2 are not listed as available).
There is something in tormenting your soul with practicing Fel arts and invoking Demons to fight by your side.

Although there is a wide variety of professions in WoW that can be of use for Warlock, I always took Tailoring and Enchanting. Why? Because I can craft gear for my class and Disenchant what I don't need.

Pre-Pandaria enchanting was predictable. You Disenchant Green (uncommon) pieces of gear in order to obtain Dusts. Disenchanting same quality Weapons gave essences in most cases and Blue (rare) and Purple (epic) gave shards and crystals. After the release of Mists of Pandaria, things got both simplified and complicated. Green items gave mostly [Spirit Dust] and Weapons rarely gave [Mysterious Essence] however, you could create Essences yourself by "compressing" [Spirit Dusts] or shattering the [Ethereal Shards]. We were like Nuclear physicists, splitting atoms and shit.

With release of Warlords of Draenor, Essences got lost in the Nether, probably some scheme conducted by Dreadlords. Disenchanting Green Draenor items give only [Draenic Dust], Blues give mostly dusts but also give [Luminous Shards] (around 70/30 chance) and, for some reason, Draenor items that get upgraded to Epic (Quest and Treasure Rewards), Disenchant into [Sha Crystals], which makes no sense what-so-ever...

If there is one thing I learned during active playing in these last 2 expansions is that it is simply not worth Disenchanting Green items... During MoP period, average vendor value of Uncommon Quality items was between 25 and 35 gold pieces. When Disenchanted those same items gave 5, or 7 [Spirit Dusts] at the most. In order to get 1 stack of 20 Dusts, you had to Disenchant 3-4 Items which translates into (roughly) 100 gold that you could have yanked out of some poor vendor if you had sold those 3-4 Items. At the same time, people that don't know math (Read: Retards of the Auction House) were placing stacks after stacks of [Spirit Dust] for a price of 20 gold (40 tops) per stack of 20. I didn't complain as it went in my favor... I get a green item, sell it to vendor for 25 gold and then buy 1 stack of Dusts from AH for 20g. When you do the math, I was around 40-50g richer for every item that I could have Disenchanted to get that same amount.

That same principle works more or less same in Warlords of Draenor with a difference being that Dusts are overpriced at some moments and, it is cheaper if you run through a dungeon or two... As I stated, it is not worth to Disenchant Uncommon Quality Draenor items as most of them give 2-4 [Draenic Dust]. Best thing for you to do is to sell them to vendor. Best way to stockpile the Dust is to Disenchant Rare Quality items. You can get 5-12 [Draenic Dust] per Disenchanted item and you also have a chance (70/30) to get [Luminous Shards]. If any of your items (Loot, Quest Reward or Treasure) get upgraded to Epic Quality and iLVL (Item Level) is lower than 600, DO NOT DISENCHANT as you will in 99% cases get [Sha Crystal] which is currently useless and does not sell that good on AH. I am yet to test whether Epic items with ILVL higher than 600 give same result or if that is different.

Another tip I can give is to build (and upgrade to LVL3) [Salvage Yard] on same character that has Enchanting profession / [Enchanter's Study]. [Big Crates of Salvage], obtained from Follower Missions if LVL3 Salvage Yard is present, are source of Class Transmog sets that do not have big Vendor value but have high Disenchant value. Blues obtained by Garrison Followers is another great source of [Draenic Dust] / [Luminous Shards].

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