May 8, 2015

Ghostlands: Done. Next stop: Tirisfal Glades

The adventures of  Exodiä and Maruta continue!

We created a YouTube channel where we can archive our "travels". Sadly, we forgot to turn on Archiving option on Twitch during our time spent in Sunstrider Isle / Eversong Woods can be considered a "lost footage". We do, however, have archived videos of our progress after that zone. With few days in between the start and the end, due to schedule incompatibility and real life obligations, we successfully completed Ghostlands last night and, like with Eversong Woods, we marked our departure from Ghostlands with a S.E.L.F.I.E... Which got photobombed.

We then followed quest givers and class quests that we were offered which lead us through Orgrimmar, Shadowfang Keep and ultimately brought us to Tirisfal Glades. We are about half way there and our heroes are currently resting within Gallows' End Tavern in Brill.

In case you are interested what we went through, here are our documented journeys so far.


And, by the way, this was my experience bar (as mentioned at minute 32 in Tirisfal Glades video) where I needed 1 experience point for Level Up.

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