May 19, 2015

Two zones with one session.

We've made a big push this time. Neither the Scarlet Crusade in Tirisfal nor all those damn Worgen in Silverpine could (Shadowfang) Keep us down.

After finishing off our business in Brill, we were sent to the Bulwark. Lilian Voss apparently has some daddy issues, but she got over them. Afterwards, some worgen tried to infiltrate Brill, but we stomped them out.

Then came the time for Silverpine. Garrosh is still the warchief for some reason, and he called Sylvanas a bitch... it was AWESOME. After meeting Hatchet and complaining there was no Crank, we set off to the Sepulcher. That however, I would not consider the main event. We got sent back into Alliance territory into the Ruins of Gilneas to take care of business there.

Most shockingly, however, was the quest at the end of Silverpine. Not wishing to spoil, the plot twist, which was kinda obvious, was still a surprise to me. Eventually we wandered off into Hillsbrad, where we will be welcomed into the machine, next time.

And though we forgot it during the stream, we did make selfies of the zones. Tirisfal's was taken on the throne of Lordaeron, and Silverpine's was taken at Shadowfang Keep.

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