May 6, 2015

Overpriced shit...

You know, sometimes I miss the good old days. It was really simple. You knew that, in order to obtain a Mount or a cool Transmog piece of Gear, you had to endlessly grind a reputation. Grinding usually ends when you reach a point where blood starts pouring from your eyes and fingernails start to fall out... Grindfest... And, back in the day, it was fun. You grind 'till you bore the fuck out of yourself and then some.

Nowadays, you need to grind reputations which is sometimes more annoying to grind than back in Vanilla and when you finish grinding it, you need two currencies to buy it. One of which is a grindfest in itself. I just saw the 6.2 Patch notes for WoW PTR and among everything I saw new mount, [Infernal Direwolf], which can be bought from vendor for 100.000 gold PLUS 150.000 [Apexis Crystals]. Overkill much? Just for a comparison, all other Draenor (Vendor) mounts are sold for 5.000 gold + 5.000 Apexis Crystals (except [Mosshide Riverwallow] that requires 50.000 gold) I mean, it's cool to bump up the price of something that looks cooler than previous iteration but, c'mon, this is ridiculous.

There's an outrage on WoWhead, Reddit and even Official Forums and, as a casual player that does not spend that much time in-game, I agree... It's just too much and, using in consideration that this is still PTR value, I hope it gets nerfed.

Along with that, new things revealed in 6.2 Patch notes are Rewards from Garrison Shipyard Missions. New pet, new mount, toy, follower upgrade, Honor & Conquest token...

New reputation item has appeared, [Trade Agreement: Arakkoa Outcasts], that increases the size of your Garrison cache by 1000. (Current cache cap is 500 Resources). Dawn-Seeker Krisek, vendor who sells the Agreement will also start selling [Seals of Temepered Fate] for 300g/piece.

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