May 27, 2015

Hillsbrad Foothells

Hello everyone, and welcome to another episode of Redub never posts anything unless it's about the questing. Yes, we once again finished a zone, this time being Hillsbrad Foothills.

First of all, we had a special overleveled "guest" with us, Illinä, a blood elf mage. He's an old buddy of ours (and a massive wanker), and wanted to tag along from now, so we let him.

Starting off strong with one of the best quests so far... Being a quest giver. We met some... interesting characters along the way, some Dumasses, some Kingslayers, all idiots. All cumulating with the 'blowing up' of the "fingers" of Hillsbrad and the slaying of the D-1000... We'll be back to this zone, but not before we head on to Arathi Highlands and beyond.

As always, in case you missed our stream and want to catch up, here is a video of the session.

May 25, 2015

Flying in WoW excluded in further expansions?

There have been several instances where Blizzard developers have posted Tweets and replies on forums that flying will not be introduced in Draenor. The initial plan was to introduce flying in some later patch has changed and, as it seems, there are plans not to include this feature in future expansions as well. Latest news came from interview given by lead WoW designer Ion Hazzikostas (@WatcherDev) to Polygon that said:

"Having looked at how flying has played out in the old world in the last couple of expansions, we realized that while we were doing it out of this ingrained habit after we introduced flying in The Burning Crusade, it actually detracted from gameplay in a whole lot of ways. While there was certainly convenience in being able to completely explore the world in three dimensions, that also came at the expense of gameplay like targeted exploration, like trying to figure out what's in that cave on top of a hill and how do I get up there."

Although I agree that by not introducing flying into the expansion at it's start gameplay brought us to the nostalgic times of Vanilla, this does not mean that it will work all the time. To address one particular line in the quote, what happens when people get bored of "figuring out what's in that cave on top of a hill and how do I get up there"?

With release of Warlords, another feature was implemented into the game: Character Boost. You get one charge of it when you buy Warlords license key and you need to pay for every subsequent Boost. With it, you get a pre-set, pre-equipped LVL90 character with whom you can skip menial leveling and start bashing Iron Horde skulls. With changes done to Heirloom System in Patch 6.1, that menial leveling got even easier and faster than before. I don't know the exact statistic but, I can say with certainty that with these 2 features alone majority of WoW player base became "Altoholics". The amount of people that would have used the boost on a Banker Character and then never used it for anything else than Banking is very low so, I can say safely that number of characters created is closer to 1 Billion compared 500 Million (revealed in Infographic released by Blizzard last year).

I, myself, have two Max Level Characters (DK and Hunter), LVL93 Warlock, LVL90 Druid, LVL73 Hunter and Warrior that I am currently leveling (together with Redub, co-author on the Blog) and, although I am a small fish in a big pond when compared to people who by now have dozens of Max Level Alts, I can say that I am bored of exploring same zones over and over and over again.

Don't get me wrong, it feels amazing when you dwell into a new zone (or a continent) for the first time and you don't can't fly. You are constantly on alert and you need to chose your path wisely not to attract 1 creature too many that can dismount you and get you killed. It's even suspenseful on a PvP realms where you need to factor in that there could be an enemy nearby, waiting for you to fully focus on a quest so he can exploit the weakness and steamroll through you.

I am grateful that Flying wasn't removed when Cataclysm was released. All that old, yet new, content that needed to be explored, quests completed, rare creatures killed. It would have been pain in the ass if Flying was not present. It felt awesome to quest in Pandaria without flying and skipping content but it was relieving that you could learn to fly at some point because, lets face it, Pandaria is one big-ass continent. I also loved the fact that you could not fly on Isle of Thunder because of weather and Timeless Isle because of Time anomalies.

Leveling and Exploration of Draenor is, also, rewarding in its own way. When I leveled my Death Knight (Main Character) I explored every corner of the land. Completed all quests in every Zone, read through all the quest lines, finished every Bonus Objective, Explored every Zone, collected all Followers, killed ALL Rare creatures and gathered all Treasures and feeling was epic. I spent most of my time breaking back of my [Raven Lord] and I used Flight Paths only to bridge huge gaps on my path. When my Guildies were bragging how it took them less than one day to level up, I was proud that it took me six days.

However, when I started leveling my first Alt (Hunter) I became bored of repetition that will follow with his and with leveling of all other alts. I didn't explore all zones to their full extent, I didn't finish every Bonus Objective, I completed just enough quests in the zone to reach level requirement for next one, killed Rare creatures and gathered Treasures only that gave items related to my class totally avoiding everything else and when I hit 100 I joined the band wagon of endless Dungeon & Raid grind. Why? Because, we get easily bored of repetition and by being forced to do the same things all over again, we always look for an easy way out. It's in our nature to do so.

As I wrote, I am a small fish in a big pond of players and if I am bored of "figuring out what's in that cave on top of a hill and how do I get up there" after leveling two Characters I can only imagine how other people, that have five, six, ten Alts, feel.

And, then, there is the case of Flying Mounts being added to Achievement Rewards and Vendors (such as [Reins of the Corrupted Dreadwing]) or Blizzard Store with all of them, but especially last three Draenor Inspired, being Flying Mounts ([Iron Skyreaver], [Warforged Nightmare], [Grinning Reaver]). Even next mount from the Store, [Mystic Runesaber], is a Flying Mount. Or what about "Warlords of Draenor: Collector's Edition Mount", [Dread Raven]? We spend most of our In-Game time in Draenor and I understand that whole batch of Ground Mounts were added, be it from Vendors, Garrison, Achievements, but... What's the point of adding all those Flying Mounts into the game if we will be able to use them only when we visit old content?

What I am trying to say is, I feel they shouldn't exclude the idea of "Flying in Draenor" altogether. It should be kept on the table for release at some point. Maybe release it in final Patch of expansion and make our lives a bit easier. Not being able to fly right-of-the-bat when you enter new expansion is a nice perk but, removing it altogether is not a very pleasant idea.

May 23, 2015

Enchanting ProTip!

Warlock is by far my favorite class. What ever game I played, first pick was always Warlock or Necromancer or basically anything that reassemble that class (if those 2 are not listed as available).
There is something in tormenting your soul with practicing Fel arts and invoking Demons to fight by your side.

Although there is a wide variety of professions in WoW that can be of use for Warlock, I always took Tailoring and Enchanting. Why? Because I can craft gear for my class and Disenchant what I don't need.

Pre-Pandaria enchanting was predictable. You Disenchant Green (uncommon) pieces of gear in order to obtain Dusts. Disenchanting same quality Weapons gave essences in most cases and Blue (rare) and Purple (epic) gave shards and crystals. After the release of Mists of Pandaria, things got both simplified and complicated. Green items gave mostly [Spirit Dust] and Weapons rarely gave [Mysterious Essence] however, you could create Essences yourself by "compressing" [Spirit Dusts] or shattering the [Ethereal Shards]. We were like Nuclear physicists, splitting atoms and shit.

With release of Warlords of Draenor, Essences got lost in the Nether, probably some scheme conducted by Dreadlords. Disenchanting Green Draenor items give only [Draenic Dust], Blues give mostly dusts but also give [Luminous Shards] (around 70/30 chance) and, for some reason, Draenor items that get upgraded to Epic (Quest and Treasure Rewards), Disenchant into [Sha Crystals], which makes no sense what-so-ever...

If there is one thing I learned during active playing in these last 2 expansions is that it is simply not worth Disenchanting Green items... During MoP period, average vendor value of Uncommon Quality items was between 25 and 35 gold pieces. When Disenchanted those same items gave 5, or 7 [Spirit Dusts] at the most. In order to get 1 stack of 20 Dusts, you had to Disenchant 3-4 Items which translates into (roughly) 100 gold that you could have yanked out of some poor vendor if you had sold those 3-4 Items. At the same time, people that don't know math (Read: Retards of the Auction House) were placing stacks after stacks of [Spirit Dust] for a price of 20 gold (40 tops) per stack of 20. I didn't complain as it went in my favor... I get a green item, sell it to vendor for 25 gold and then buy 1 stack of Dusts from AH for 20g. When you do the math, I was around 40-50g richer for every item that I could have Disenchanted to get that same amount.

That same principle works more or less same in Warlords of Draenor with a difference being that Dusts are overpriced at some moments and, it is cheaper if you run through a dungeon or two... As I stated, it is not worth to Disenchant Uncommon Quality Draenor items as most of them give 2-4 [Draenic Dust]. Best thing for you to do is to sell them to vendor. Best way to stockpile the Dust is to Disenchant Rare Quality items. You can get 5-12 [Draenic Dust] per Disenchanted item and you also have a chance (70/30) to get [Luminous Shards]. If any of your items (Loot, Quest Reward or Treasure) get upgraded to Epic Quality and iLVL (Item Level) is lower than 600, DO NOT DISENCHANT as you will in 99% cases get [Sha Crystal] which is currently useless and does not sell that good on AH. I am yet to test whether Epic items with ILVL higher than 600 give same result or if that is different.

Another tip I can give is to build (and upgrade to LVL3) [Salvage Yard] on same character that has Enchanting profession / [Enchanter's Study]. [Big Crates of Salvage], obtained from Follower Missions if LVL3 Salvage Yard is present, are source of Class Transmog sets that do not have big Vendor value but have high Disenchant value. Blues obtained by Garrison Followers is another great source of [Draenic Dust] / [Luminous Shards].

May 20, 2015

Patch 6.2 is almost upon us!

Patch 6.2 has started downloading in background for players on US realms so, it's only matter of days before that happens to EU players as well. If you are having troubles with extra HDD space (like me), you need to free extra 3GB for the Patch.

New Patch will also bring new Inscription Techniques for Scribes to Mill 20 pieces of Draenor herbs at once (comparing to 5, currently) and those are listed separately for each herb. Question is whether you will receive separate Milling "spell" for each herb or will current Milling get upgraded to support each herb? Using in consideration that ALL Crafting Materials got to stack to 200, it makes you think, why didn't they change the mechanic of the Milling to include all older herbs?

[Rumble in the Jungle] is a new Meta Achievement coming with a title for completing all Tanaan Jungle related achievements. When you complete it, you will receive <name> of the Jungle.

[Wild Goretusk] is a new mount available at Z'tenga the Walker for 1000 [Blackfang Claws] which are obtained by killing Blackfang monsters in Fang'rila.

New Armor Models for Tier 18 (PvE) and Wild and Warmongering Gladiator (PvP) are available and you can check them out at WoWhead. I especially like Priest and Rogue sets as they really match their respective class.

Last but not least, there is a Scavenger Hunt competition going around currently with some awesome rewards so, be sure to check that out as well.

May 19, 2015

Two zones with one session.

We've made a big push this time. Neither the Scarlet Crusade in Tirisfal nor all those damn Worgen in Silverpine could (Shadowfang) Keep us down.

After finishing off our business in Brill, we were sent to the Bulwark. Lilian Voss apparently has some daddy issues, but she got over them. Afterwards, some worgen tried to infiltrate Brill, but we stomped them out.

Then came the time for Silverpine. Garrosh is still the warchief for some reason, and he called Sylvanas a bitch... it was AWESOME. After meeting Hatchet and complaining there was no Crank, we set off to the Sepulcher. That however, I would not consider the main event. We got sent back into Alliance territory into the Ruins of Gilneas to take care of business there.

Most shockingly, however, was the quest at the end of Silverpine. Not wishing to spoil, the plot twist, which was kinda obvious, was still a surprise to me. Eventually we wandered off into Hillsbrad, where we will be welcomed into the machine, next time.

And though we forgot it during the stream, we did make selfies of the zones. Tirisfal's was taken on the throne of Lordaeron, and Silverpine's was taken at Shadowfang Keep.

May 18, 2015


For those interested (if anyone is even watching this wretched blog) we are going live in few minutes.
We'll be resuming our session where we left off few days ago, Tirisfal Glades. Conclusion of that zone, hopefully.

If you ARE interested, then fire up your browsers and head to our Twitch Channel.

May 17, 2015

Pinkskull The Multiboxer

Today I encountered something awesome. Upon arriving in Dalaran to pick up and do some dailies, I encountered (literally) a line of heroes all mounted up on [Ashes of Al'ar]. At first, I thought that bunch of people with the same mount gathered in some sort of flash mob but then, upon closer looking, I noticed that all characters had more or less same name. Ladies and Gents, I stood in front of Pinkskull The Multiboxer from Balnazzar-EU. A Norwegian fella multiboxing 24 different accounts that owns a guild with over 100 characters... All his characters...

I have a trouble playing on 1 account with only 2 LVL100 characters and this guy has an entire army of classes at his disposal. That's what I like to say, hardcore WoW player... All I can say is, keep up the good work.

May 14, 2015

Ehh, crap...

Do you remember that rant from few days ago regarding the [Infernal Direwolf]? Well, I don't know whether we should be even madder than then or should we not...


What happened was that gorgeous Direwolf will be an achievement reward for [Glory of the Hellfire Raider] because they traded the place with previous reward for that achievement, [Reins of the Corrupted Dreadwing], which will now be sold at the vendor for 150.000 [Apexis Crystals]. If I could go back in time I would ask people (and myself) not to flame Blizzard for placing Direwolf as a Vendor mount because I would rather have the Dreadwing as achievement reward. And, while some people are pissed off because re-color of "Collector's Edition" mount is being given as a reward, I am still pissed that it requires 150.000 Crystals and farming them is worse than farming a reputation for one of the factions in WoD...

New mount has joined the ranks at the Blizzard Store. [Mystic Runesaber] is 10th mount created specifically for the Store and it has a price tag of $25.

May 13, 2015

Look at all...

As a Gamer, this is a really nice time-period to be living. Looking back at current releases and games released in past year (or so), The Evil Within's hype dropped down, Dying Light still looks interesting and I love upgraded mechanics "transfered" from Dead Island games, Batman: Arkham franchise is getting better with each and every sequel (and a prequel), The Witcher 3 was reviewed as "one of the best games ever made" by GameSpot, GTA V for PC was released and Modders are having a blast with it and Assassin's Creed franchise just won't die (talk about milking a cow) as they released a next installment titled "Syndicate"...

As someone who likes playing games, I am thrilled by some announces and disappointed by others.
Back when Assassin's Creed's first game was released, it was good. Game became better (both Story wise AND mechanic wise) with Assassin's Creed II (and it's stand-alone expansions) but then, you could see that developers started choking out when Assassin's Creed III came out. They finished the original trilogy by killing off Desmond, the main protagonist, and then started "milking the cow" I mentioned earlier with each subsequent game that has the name "Assassin's Creed" in it. I didn't play anything past Revelations (except Rogue), and from what I've seen on YouTube (and reading the stories), in my honest opinion, III was mediocre, Black Flag was interesting, Rogue is (although having THE best optimized engine for PC and I can play it, surprisingly) the most boring of them all. The best example of the developers choking would be Unity and (although glitches were Patched), boy, did the reviewers and YouTubers had a field day with that game. Syndicate is a next chapter and we'll see what it brings.

The reason I mentioned The Evil Within is because there was a big ass hype going around the game when it was announced and even bigger hype after first level playthrough was released on the Showcases. Why? Because Shinji Mikami was behind the development process. For those that don't know, Mikami is father of Resident Evil franchise and, using in consideration what CAPCOM did with it, hype was there with a reason. Until the game was released... He was involved in development of Resident Evil 1 through 4 (and that was the last "true" chapter of the franchise) and I gotta say that, as someone who was loved RE 1 through 4, I was disappointed when The Evil Within, which was announced as successor to Resident Evil by some people, didn't turn out to be better than RE4.

Batman: Arkham series is one of the best action games made. I played Arkham Asylum and Arkham City and I liked the games for every minute I played them. RockSteady really did a nice one with this series. Sadly, I didn't play Arkham Origins nor will I play Arkham Knight for reasons I will explain later...

The Witcher is the game that I fell in love with after first few minutes into the game. I've heard my friend talking about the game when it was released back 2007., and being an RPG lover I decided to give it a try and I was hooked ever since. Assassins of Kings made me love the story even more and watching Gameplay videos for The Wild Hunt made me (figuratively) jizz in my pants.

Another fantasy universe I adored is Mass Effect. A complex trilogy (with 3rd game a bit bleaker than first 2) with fascinating storytelling and vivid characters. Played and re-played all games a few times already with plans to do it again soon... A "must play" game for everyone that loves Action-RPG. New game set in this universe was announced back in 2012 with planned release in 2016. Not much is known about the game at this point but, hopefully, it will be awesome as previous ones.

There are really nice games being released but, the reality of the situation is far more grave for most of us. As technology gets better with each passing month, our gaming rigs are becoming more and more out of touch and some of us simply can't keep up. When I bought my PC, it was a mid-entry gaming PC. AMD Athlon64 4000+, 3GB RAM, nVidia GeForce 8600GTS, WD 320GB 7200rpm and it serves me well even now with few modifications. By today's standards, my gaming rig became obsolete about 2 years ago when Crysis 3 was released and my PC started dropping frame rate on the first mission. About a year before that, my 8600GTS burned out and started showing artifacts on screen. After spending some time with inferior 6600GT (borrowed from a friend) I bought GT440 that I am currently using (rest of the configuration was not changed). I did, however, notice that I could not play games the same way I did when I had 8600GTS even though GT440 is newer and superior.

Games have lower FPS, they tend to stutter, loading time is bigger and that makes me think that it wasn't just my 8600GTS that broke that day however, living in a country that makes it hard to find stable employment, it is impossible for me to replace anything. And, once again, awesome games got released and are about to be released. Starting with The Witcher 3. I guess that's one of the reasons why I talked Redub into hosting these streaming sessions. Seeing how some streamers earn, literally, shitload of money and the fact that I love playing games as much as them, I figured that I will get to be as half as entertaining as they are at some point.

May 10, 2015

Signatures / Armory Links by Shyama

We just received Signatures / Armory Links made by Shyama... This was my expression when I saw them:

These are the signatures in question and, needless to say, they look fucking EPIC!

Special thanks, hugs and kisses to Shyama of DeviantArt for creating these awesome signatures. If you are interested what else this girl has made, be sure to check her DeviantArt profile.

Twitch Artwork by Gamelol

Our Twitch Channel got "small" artistic touch... We got upgrade for Offline Image, Info Buttons, Chat Cover and everything looks simply fucking amazing (saying that it is "amazing" does not do it justice. It has to be said that it is "fucking amazing").

Special thanks, hugs and kisses to Gamelol of DeviantArt for creating every piece of the artwork. If you would like to check her other work, be sure to check her DeviantArt profile.

May 8, 2015

Ghostlands: Done. Next stop: Tirisfal Glades

The adventures of  Exodiä and Maruta continue!

We created a YouTube channel where we can archive our "travels". Sadly, we forgot to turn on Archiving option on Twitch during our time spent in Sunstrider Isle / Eversong Woods can be considered a "lost footage". We do, however, have archived videos of our progress after that zone. With few days in between the start and the end, due to schedule incompatibility and real life obligations, we successfully completed Ghostlands last night and, like with Eversong Woods, we marked our departure from Ghostlands with a S.E.L.F.I.E... Which got photobombed.

We then followed quest givers and class quests that we were offered which lead us through Orgrimmar, Shadowfang Keep and ultimately brought us to Tirisfal Glades. We are about half way there and our heroes are currently resting within Gallows' End Tavern in Brill.

In case you are interested what we went through, here are our documented journeys so far.


And, by the way, this was my experience bar (as mentioned at minute 32 in Tirisfal Glades video) where I needed 1 experience point for Level Up.

May 7, 2015

S.E.L.F.I.E. with Nobbel

If anyone ever watched WoW Lore videos on YouTube you must have seen at least one of Nobbel's awesome and elaborate videos. Being a Lore freak myself, I have to say that I love the guy and I watch his Lore videos as they appear. If you want to see, or better say, listen his work, be sure to Subscribe his YouTube channel.

Today, I ended up in a group with him... He invited a bunch of people and we took selfies.

May 6, 2015

Overpriced shit...

You know, sometimes I miss the good old days. It was really simple. You knew that, in order to obtain a Mount or a cool Transmog piece of Gear, you had to endlessly grind a reputation. Grinding usually ends when you reach a point where blood starts pouring from your eyes and fingernails start to fall out... Grindfest... And, back in the day, it was fun. You grind 'till you bore the fuck out of yourself and then some.

Nowadays, you need to grind reputations which is sometimes more annoying to grind than back in Vanilla and when you finish grinding it, you need two currencies to buy it. One of which is a grindfest in itself. I just saw the 6.2 Patch notes for WoW PTR and among everything I saw new mount, [Infernal Direwolf], which can be bought from vendor for 100.000 gold PLUS 150.000 [Apexis Crystals]. Overkill much? Just for a comparison, all other Draenor (Vendor) mounts are sold for 5.000 gold + 5.000 Apexis Crystals (except [Mosshide Riverwallow] that requires 50.000 gold) I mean, it's cool to bump up the price of something that looks cooler than previous iteration but, c'mon, this is ridiculous.

There's an outrage on WoWhead, Reddit and even Official Forums and, as a casual player that does not spend that much time in-game, I agree... It's just too much and, using in consideration that this is still PTR value, I hope it gets nerfed.

Along with that, new things revealed in 6.2 Patch notes are Rewards from Garrison Shipyard Missions. New pet, new mount, toy, follower upgrade, Honor & Conquest token...

New reputation item has appeared, [Trade Agreement: Arakkoa Outcasts], that increases the size of your Garrison cache by 1000. (Current cache cap is 500 Resources). Dawn-Seeker Krisek, vendor who sells the Agreement will also start selling [Seals of Temepered Fate] for 300g/piece.

May 2, 2015

Timeless Jung... I mean, Tanaan Jungle

As it turns out, Tanaan Jungle is Draenor's version of Timeless Isle. Blizzard posted the preview of it, which can be found HERE.

To access Tanaan Jungle, you will need to build [The Shipyard] and once you arrive there, you will be set up with a series of quests that resemble Garrison Campaign quests. New currency is [Oil] which will be used as a main resource to power your Battle Ships in a same manner that you spend [Garrison Resources] to send your followers on missions. [Felblight] is new Crafting Reagent that will be used to craft next tier of Draenor Profession Gear and Upgrades in a same way that we currently use [Salvage Blood] and it can be obtained from mining, herb gathering, skinning, or fishing in Tanaan Jungle. To read more about Shipyards, check out WoWhead's article about them.

Just like on Timeless Isle, Tanaan Jungle is home to ~50 new Rare Creatures and you will be required to kill 30 of them to get [Jungle Stalker] achievement. Those same Rare Creatures drop iLVL650 gear.

Many new toys and vanity items await as well with [Jewel of Hellfire], [Accursed Tome the Sargerei], [Podling Camouflage] and [Felfire Campfire] being just a tip of the iceberg.