October 8, 2016

Lost Edicts of the Watcher: OBTAINED!

So... I switched realms from Sylvanas to Defias Brotherhood because my friend Bega plays there. Because I already played a paladin, although at a lower level, on Sylvanas I decided to use Character Boost on that class and just went along...

So far, I am playing Protection / Retribution, depending on the situation at hand, ignoring Holy as much as I could because I was never much of a healer. My last healing encounter was with a Resto Shaman during WotLK expansion...

So... Today I logged into the game deciding to continue last week's action, push forward and complete as much of the World Quests as possible because [World Quest Bonus Event] had started on 5th. Headed to Faronaar in Aszuna... After completing the World Quest [Not On My Watch], I went on to complete [WANTED: Inquisitor Tivos] and I just went around, killing everything in my way, killed Tivos and just when I was about to get to the portal and get back on the ground, an [Eredar Navigator] appeared and aggroed me. Killed him and... There it was...

I could not believe it as it was not expected and I didn't even know what was the criteria for obtaining it. So far, requirement for all Hidden Appearances was Artifact Knowledge LVL5 and after looting it, I went to WoWhead to check if someone has posted any info about how he Appearance was obtained. Strolling through the comments I found a passage of text written by the WoWhead user Confonix.

This post is no longer relevant, but I'm leaving it here cause I put in some serious work trying to figure this out... only to find out it was really a random drop that was gated behind level 5 Artifact Research... sooo much wasted time...
As WoWhead user Natrina noted that this is a skin of Reinhardt's Rocket Hammer from Overwatch.

Another interesting thing (noted by Reddit user Mastrcapn) is that, when you use [Divine Shield] with this Appearance, your "bubble" gets an upgrade...

While searching various forums about other Hidden Appearances, I found a thread about Corrupted Ashbringer on MMO-Champion forums and checked [Heart of Corruption] comments on WoWhead so, I guess that's gonna be the next one I am gonna be chasing.

Cheers and happy hunting your own Hidden Appearances!