November 1, 2016

LEGEN... Wait for it... DARY!!!

Highlord Exodiüs
Paladin, Knight of the Silver Hand
So, it's been around 2 months since Legion launched and today, I got myself a first Legendary item,

Don't pay attention to my bags. I just completed a session of 15-ish World Quests...

It dropped from Val'sharah Emissary Quest and, thank god I did not get [Prydaz]. Now, this may look as complaining, but... I have seen so many reports lately, especially in case of [Prydaz]. That is, designed specially for Tanks, ungrateful AF, useless item and you see it's uselessness by reading first line in it's passive effect:

After not taking damage for 5 sec, you gain an absorb shield...

And in how many cases will it happen that a tank won't take damage for 5 seconds, in a dungeon/raid encounter, when boss stacks 10 DoTs and 15 Bleeds. I am not gonna talk about open world encounters. Many legendary items have weird, confusing or useless passive effects like this. What good would that item do if I had obtained it?

On a bright note, Blizzard devs mentioned that they will revisit Legendary passive effects and redesign some of the "less cool" ones, while mentioning [Prydaz] specifically so, that's a plus.

I also adopted two orphans yesterday, new additions to the Battle Pet family. [Snowfeather] and [Bloodgazer] Hatchlings are great new prospects, already on their way to grow up into awesome mounts.

October 8, 2016

Lost Edicts of the Watcher: OBTAINED!

So... I switched realms from Sylvanas to Defias Brotherhood because my friend Bega plays there. Because I already played a paladin, although at a lower level, on Sylvanas I decided to use Character Boost on that class and just went along...

So far, I am playing Protection / Retribution, depending on the situation at hand, ignoring Holy as much as I could because I was never much of a healer. My last healing encounter was with a Resto Shaman during WotLK expansion...

So... Today I logged into the game deciding to continue last week's action, push forward and complete as much of the World Quests as possible because [World Quest Bonus Event] had started on 5th. Headed to Faronaar in Aszuna... After completing the World Quest [Not On My Watch], I went on to complete [WANTED: Inquisitor Tivos] and I just went around, killing everything in my way, killed Tivos and just when I was about to get to the portal and get back on the ground, an [Eredar Navigator] appeared and aggroed me. Killed him and... There it was...

I could not believe it as it was not expected and I didn't even know what was the criteria for obtaining it. So far, requirement for all Hidden Appearances was Artifact Knowledge LVL5 and after looting it, I went to WoWhead to check if someone has posted any info about how he Appearance was obtained. Strolling through the comments I found a passage of text written by the WoWhead user Confonix.

This post is no longer relevant, but I'm leaving it here cause I put in some serious work trying to figure this out... only to find out it was really a random drop that was gated behind level 5 Artifact Research... sooo much wasted time...
As WoWhead user Natrina noted that this is a skin of Reinhardt's Rocket Hammer from Overwatch.

Another interesting thing (noted by Reddit user Mastrcapn) is that, when you use [Divine Shield] with this Appearance, your "bubble" gets an upgrade...

While searching various forums about other Hidden Appearances, I found a thread about Corrupted Ashbringer on MMO-Champion forums and checked [Heart of Corruption] comments on WoWhead so, I guess that's gonna be the next one I am gonna be chasing.

Cheers and happy hunting your own Hidden Appearances!

August 25, 2016

Glitches be crazy!

I think I just glitched into the Legion's Mage Class Halls while on my way to Deadwind Pass' Dalaran. I was on my way to Deadwind Pass for the second batch of quests, the ones about eliminating Anomalies so Khadgar and Kirin Tor Mages can "blink" the city to Broken Isles and about contacting Alodi in order to gain info about Pillars of Creation.

Somehow, I ended up off the patch to Northern Stranglethorn Vale, above Zul'Gurub and I corrected course towards the Dalaran. It was in front of me and then disappeared for a moment. When it re-appeared, I realized I was going through the textures and I got dismounted into the first chamber. It was empty (as expected) but I got a glimpse of what it looks like.

So... Apparently, this wasn't the Mage Class Hall. It was "Aegwynn's Gallery". A place where we will store The Pillars of Creation once we obtain them. And I am not the only one that stumbled upon this.
Reddit user FroSty_III posted similar screenshots.