I honestly don't know what was I expecting. I mean, I was expecting something but I didn't know what. So far, situation is so hectic that it is pretty close to impossible to kill a Rare Creature unless you accidentally aggro it while walking along it's spawn point or you join a group of "Rare Hunters" that are camping them and announcing themselves on General Channel.
In correlation with the release of the Patch, price of [WoW Token] jumped by about 10.000 gold over night and it's current price is ~53.000 gold per Token on EU realms while price on US realms stands steady at ~25.000 gold pieces per Token. (Source: WoWTokenInfo, 27.06.2015.)
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[Cursed Feather of Ikzan] dropped by High Priest Ikzan. Why isn't this classified as a Toy? |
Overall, Tanaan Jungle has the same vibe that Timeless Isle had only bigger. Vast area with lots of Achievements, Treasures, Rare Creatures that drop ILVL650 Baleful Tokens which are useless if you are seasoned Raider that's a member of the Guild with a Raid Progression... But very useful thing if you are gearing up an Alt Character as iLVL650 is minimum requirement (announced by Blizzard Devs) in order to even be considered for Normal version of Hellfire Citadel.
Timewalking event was finally implemented and it brought a bit of Nostalgic feel to the game. You can queue through RDF for it and band up with 4 other players to re-live old dungeons as it was meant to be played rather than going back as High Level player and facerolling through. Currently available dungeons are from TBC era: The Arcatraz, The Black Morass, Mana-Tombs, The Shattered Halls and The Slave Pens. Timewalking is a Weekend event that lasts for 3 days and will end on Monday. Next Weekend event will be Apexis Bonus event where drop of Apexis Crystals will be multiplied and they will be found more often while looting. Next Timewalking event will happen on July 17th when we will have the chance to tackle down WotLK dungeons in same manner.
Mythic Dungeons are finally opened. Same Dungeons only a bit more challenging. They are on a weekly lockout, drop item level 685 gear, and allow you to use [Seal of Inevitable Fate] for bonus rolls. Speaking of Seals, cap for [Seals of Tempered Fate] was increased to 20 and you can buy them at your Tanaan faction hub vendors for 300 gold pieces per Seal.
In "Garrison Related" news, I created The Shipyard and for a moment everything looked awesome. Then I found out that I
need to grind reputations so I can obtain more ships and I got easily
bored by it. As every ship has a chance to be destroyed if mission fails
(win chance less than 100%) and because I am Resource Efficient, The
Shipyard won't see my foot setting onto it's soil for a while now
because all current available missions has a chance of success around
50%, which are odds that I don't like at all. Especially if Rare ship is
in question.
Drop chance of Salvage Crates was nerfed and you will see them in less quantities than you could. High-value Gold follower missions are nerfed and you will see less of them, especially on your alts. (Since it is semi-related to the Garrison) Ashran's grouping system was nerfed and you can't queue for it while in Raid group so, goodbye Nemesis pre-made groups... Profession cooldowns and Buildings yield double amounts of materials now and you get twice as much as before. Profession Upgrade Tokens underwent a change so it could be easier to create them and amount of materials needed to create them has been normalized. And for some god damn reason, we are getting dismounted AGAIN while interacting with finished Work Orders.
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