June 11, 2015

We WILL be Flying in Draenor!

Looks like we will be flying in Draenor after all... Blizzard "caved".

Patch 6.2 was marked as a "Release" on PTR and we can expect the launch announcement any time now.

Be prepared to spread the wings of your flying mounts but, you will need to meet a few conditions. Patch 6.2 brings new meta-achievement called [Draenor Pathfinder] and in order to obtain it, you will need to complete following:
Initially, this new meta-achievement will give a new mount as a reward, The Soaring Skyterror. There are no images related to this mount for now but, using in consideration the name we may be looking at a re-color of either a [Dread Raven] or [Iron Skyreaver]. You never know, though... We may be looking at something new as well.

Players will remain ground-bound on Draenor until a small follow-up patch (6.2.x), when all players who have earned Draenor Pathfinder on at least one character will unlock the ability to fly in Draenor on all their level 90+ characters.

A new Mount is introduced as a Garrison Mission reward as well. If you are annoyed with camping [Poundfist] for hours only to find out he spawned some time after you left the party, like it happened with me a few times because I got tired of waiting, you will have a chance to obtain your own [Coalfist Gronnling] by sending your Followers to do the camping for you :)
Mission is called [Breaker Two] (our fans for sure), it will cost you a 100 Resources and will be 12 hours long.

New rewards from Garrison Missions, introduced in Patch 6.2 include following:

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