April 20, 2015

Me Nemesis Is Su Nemesis

NOTE: This "feature" was nerfed in Patch 6.2. You can no longer queue for Ashran in pre-made raid groups.

Original Article follows.

Is it just me or Blizzard didn't think these quests through when they were implementing Quests and Achievements for Gladiator Sanctum? I mean, yeah... The concept must have been awesome on a paper but, it sucks ass when it is implemented in-game.

Idea behind it is awesome... Get a quest, go to the best place to farm kills (which is Ashran), hunt down your enemies and when you hit a number of 500 <insert race here> deaths you get rewarded with a title... The Death StalkerOrcslayer, The ButcherGnomebane, Terror of the Tushui, and even the Meta Achievement / Title Warlord of Draenor are awesome. Cross-Realm system and Connected Realms only make things piss easy to obtain some of them, obtaining others is a living hell. Why? Race imbalance.

Older races (expansion wise) have best chances of completing your quests. The chances are that you can get 500 kills for each Orcs, Undead, Trolls, Tauren (as Alliance) and Humans, Dwarves, Gnomes, Night Elves (as Horde) quests in one or two days. As I already mentioned, I am not a PvP player. I am doing these quests only because A: Achievements and B: Titles. It took me about an hour to get ~400 kills for Orcs.

Blood Elves and Draenei are also popular races so, you won't have problem obtaining those as well. Although Blizzard got flamed on announcement, Worgen were more popular in character creation than Goblins, from what I have seen during my time spent in-game. From what I have observed, completing quests for these can go from about a week to a full month.

And then, we come to the worst race to make Nemesis of... Pandaren.

From an "April fools" joke, through Heroic Unit in WarCraft III, to Playable Race with vast Lore in World of WarCraft, this (youngest) race is THE MOST FUCKED UP TO HUNT. I have seen crapload of people crying and QQing in Guild and Ashran chat how they took the quest "god knows when" and it took them really long time to get it.

There is an upside for all of this... Open your group finder and search for Premade Nemesis Groups.
You will see something like this:

You see how there are numbered groups? In every specific group are placed players that have a specific quest. That's because you can get 5 kills for a single kill if all your party members are on the same quest and are in range when the killshot happens. So, at least there is some upside to all this. You can even find someone and pay him a few hundred golds to stand in place and get chain-killed. Just be sure to find 4 more people that are on same quest as you are.

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