April 22, 2015

TIME!!! We need more time!

[WoW Tokens] finally got introduced to European population... It can be bought for 20 EUR (15 GBP) from the in-game Shop, and starting price was 35,000 gold in the Auction Houses across the Europe region.

Be advised that price of the Token is dictated by Demand for the same, so... If demand for tokens is high, price will be rising. When demand drops, price will drop. Tokens were made available to players around 5PM CET and, as noted, initial price (set by Blizzard) was 35k gold per token. Peak price was achieved 7 hours later (Apr 22nd, 2015 12:05AM) with price almost 10k gold higher, 44.981 gold. Price started dropping down after this point and it currently circles the number of 40k.

As a reference, [WoW Tokens] were made public on April 7th at 7AM EDT on NA (North America) realms with initial price of 30.000 gold per token... Token achieved it's peak price only 4 hours later at 31.218 gold and price dropped after that point. As stated, price is controlled by Demand so, at that point price on NA realms started fluctuating with highest price of almost 27k and lowest of almost 20k. Current price of the token on NA realms is ~25k gold.

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