April 30, 2015

For The Children!

Another year has passed and another Children's Week has arrived... Another chance to abuse orphans for achievements... It's not only because of that, each of the orphans gives a wide variety of Battle Pets for your collection at the end of their respective Quest Chains.

New thing this year is [Green Balloon], which you can buy from Blax Bottlerocket (Orgrimmar) or Craggle Wobbletop (Stormwind) for only 10 silver coins.

At the end of their respective quest chains:
If you already have all of these Battle Pets, you can chose to take [Pet Care Package] which has a guaranteed drop chance for [Flawless Battle-Stone]. Even if you don't need it, take the package as this little stone is worth several thousand gold on the Auction House.

When it comes to achievements, they are pretty much straightforward... You can find a detailed guide on Icy-Veins. However, I'd like to give a couple of suggestions.

Best possible place to complete [Daily Chores] would be Isle of Quel'Danas if you haven't unlocked any other Daily Quest hub throughout your leveling as there are around 15 Daily Quests in the entire area... Other (fast) alternative would be Halfhill Market in Valley of the Four Winds. Note: Orphan needs to be summoned when you are turning in quests. He does not need to be around while you are actually doing them.

[School of Hard Knocks] can be nuisance to complete on Max Level. Best possible suggestion I can give is to do this achievement with your lower level Alt, preferably between levels 70 and 80.

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