August 3, 2015

Gangplank is coming back!

I know that we are advertising ourselves as "mostly" WoW related blog but that does not mean that we are not playing other games. Redub said that he will write a few articles about his Minecraft / Dungeons & Dragons sessions but he hasn't had the time to do it yet. I play League of Legends on and off when ever I have the feel to play it and I gotta tell you that latest Riot's move about killing one of their champions struck down entire community and started an outcry.

Some time ago, Riot launched a Bilgewater Event during which, Gangplank's ship got sunken by the hands of Miss Fortune and he was announced dead. Along with that, champion was disabled in-game after the event's epilogue and Riot announced that they are killing him off and that "they won't refund people for buying the champion and his skins". Using in consideration that they reworked the champion completely, that seemed highly unlikely and those who didn't believe that champion would be retired were right not to believe.

Gangplank managed to survive losing his arm and control over Bilgewater in the process. Along with lore update and champion rework, Gangplank received a voice-over update and a new "main" skin and old voice-over will be used only for his old Captain Gangplank skin.

You can re-obtain his old appearance for free if you own the champion and complete at least one matchmade game before the end of the event on August 10th. Patch is expected to hit Live servers in a day or two which means that we will have around 5 days to lock the champion before anyone else in order to do this.

More details on Surrender at 20 website.

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